Love Road Roundabout

  • Author: Abbie West
  • Created: April 3, 2024 7:14 pm
  • Updated: April 3, 2024 7:58 pm
Route type: Loop
  • Distance 17 miles
  • Time 0 s
  • Speed 0.0 mph
  • Min altitude 0 ft
  • Peak 0 ft
  • Climb 5545 ft
  • Descent 5476 ft
  • Distance Instructions

Fun trail system. Fast and flat. Lots of skier and fatbike users. East emnd of trails are well maintained and groomed by a mushing tour company.
Marked loop is 16.3 miles. Park at the end of Love Road

Fun trail system. Fast and flat. Lots of skier and fatbike users. East emnd of trails are well maintained and groomed by a mushing tour company.
Marked loop is 16.3 miles. Park at the end of Love Road