Copper Basin 300 (2024)

  • Author: Sled Dog Talk
  • Created: April 10, 2024 7:40 pm
  • Updated: April 11, 2024 7:20 pm
Route type: Loop
  • Distance 294 miles
  • Time 118 h 6 min
  • Speed 2 mph
  • Min altitude 0 ft
  • Peak 3770 ft
  • Climb 4416 ft
  • Descent 5978 ft
  • Distance Instructions

This is the 2024 CB300 race trail. I recorded this while racing, I had it set to ping once per hour but it looks pretty close as far as accuracy. If anyone has a better file I will swap it out! The race went clockwise this year.
There are still a couple stray waypoints on here from the Iditarod trail but just disregard them, the CB300 route looks all good and is what my team pulled me through.

This is the 2024 CB300 race trail. I recorded this while racing, I had it set to ping once per hour but it looks pretty close as far as accuracy. If anyone has a better file I will swap it out! The race went clockwise this year.
There are still a couple stray waypoints on here from the Iditarod trail but just disregard them, the CB300 route looks all good and is what my team pulled me through.